I am so excited to be teaming up with my friend Janey at @darlingreaders 📚 for a very lovable, heart filled 💕 edition of #storytimesnacks. In My Heart, by Jo Witek and illustrated by Christine Roussey is a wonderful exploration of all of the feelings of the heart.

This book is the perfect introduction to vocabulary specific to feelings and emotion. If you’re looking for wonderful early literacy tips, go give Janey a follow ( and also how darling is it that we both have darling in our names ☺️ AND we’re both actually photographers 📷 ) It’s a book filled with colorful hearts and feelings and perfect for Valentine’s Day or really any day of the year!
I can’t think of anything that says, I love you, more than a colorful, healthy, heart-shaped snack 🍍🥑🍉🍈 We simply used cookie cutters to make the heart shapes and skewered them only a coffee stir stick ( you could also use a popsicle stick! )
What’s your favorite book for Valentine’s Day? ❤️💛💚💙💜